Ip | Decimal |
IP (Internet Protocol) addresses are used to identify devices on a network. They are typically written as four numbers separated by periods, such as Each number is called an octet and can range from 0 to 255.
Since each octet can take on any value between 0 and 255, there are 256 possible values for each octet (0-255 inclusive). So, to convert an IP address to decimal, we take each octet and multiply it by the appropriate power of 256, based on its position in the IP address (256^3 for the first octet, 256^2 for the second octet, 256^1 for the third octet, and 256^0 for the fourth octet). Then we add all the results together to get the decimal representation of the IP address.
(192 * 256^3) + (168 * 256^2) + (1 * 256^1) + (1 * 256^0) = (192 * 16777216) + (168 * 65536) + (1 * 256) + (1 * 1) = 3232235777